Klink #599
Klink is a gear Pokémon


Klink Data

Number: #599
Type: Steel
Species: gear Pokémon
  1. minus
  2. plus
Height: 0.3m (1' 0")
Weight: 21.0kg

About Klink

is it 2 gears or is it a Klink? is it to gears or is it a Klink? is it too gears or is it a Klink? ITS A KLINK!! cant you tell by the EYES?!?

we at Pokémon Inc. (in a classified place) have suspected that this pokemon is behind the insparation for the first gears, so it isn’t surprising if you thought 2 gears was a Kling and a Klink was 2 gears. wot am i talking about its obvious

even though every Klink is the exact size & shape., they mesh well only with each other. dood…………. how…………. I KNOW ITS BEEN 3 MONTHS

Klink Stats:

HP: 40 / 255
40 / 255
Attack: 55 / 140
55 / 140
Defence: 55 / 230
55 / 230
Special Attack
Special Attack: 45 / 200
45 / 200
Special Defence
Special Defence: 60 / 230
60 / 230
Speed: 30 / 180
30 / 180
Written by Dylan on January 21st, 2025

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