Exeggcute #102
Exeggcute is a Egg Pokémon


Exeggcute Data

Number: #102
Type: Grass Psychic
Species: Egg Pokémon
  1. chrorophyll
Height: 0.4m (1' 4")
Weight: 2.5kg

About Exeggcute

EggEggEggEggEggEgg-1-2-3-4-5-6-EggEggEggEggEggyBread Exeggcute

Exeggcute is 6 eggs. kidding. like the Klang family, Exeggcute is a case of “mistaken identity” as its actally a Proper Pokémon. but lets say it IS 6 eggs. then one would be in mint condition, four would have cracks, and one is scrambled. R.I.P. 1/6 of exeggute.

it can be brave… but as soon as one of its six members are MISSING, Exeggute becomes a coward and stuipid. but not as cowardly and as stupid as me! im so cowardly and stupid i cant even finish this

PS Just so you know, i was joking about me being that

Exeggcute Stats:

HP: 60 / 255
60 / 255
Attack: 40 / 140
40 / 140
Defence: 40 / 230
40 / 230
Special Attack
Special Attack: 60 / 200
60 / 200
Special Defence
Special Defence: 45 / 230
45 / 230
Speed: 40 / 180
40 / 180
Written by Dylan on February 2nd, 2025

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